Bloom’s Taxonomy is absolutely critical is understanding how we get people to learn things. There are 6 levels in total:
Level 1: Knowledge:
Unfortunately, a lot of companies stop at level 1: Knowledge. They believe that all a learner needs is to be presented with the training. This is of course an untruth!
Level 2: Comprehension:
The learner needs to be able to understand the knowledge. You can find out how by creating tests, assessments and questions for your learners to complete.
Level 3: Application:
The learner needs to be able to apply the information in order to prove that it has sunk in.
Level 4: Analysis:
The next stage is being able to analyse the topic. Learners can demonstrate they confedentally know the info by successfully debating, comparing the subject.
Level 5: Evaluation:
The further we move up Bloom’s Taxonomy chart, the more engaged the learner will become. By Level 5, evaluation, the learner should be able to
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