MultiDynamics 7 - Processing a Drum Kit

In this YouTube tutorial, we’ll explore how to enhance the sound of a raw drum track using Multidynamics 7. Although typically done within a mix, we’ll focus on a solo stereo drum track for demonstration purposes. Starting with a 3-band setup from factory presets, we’ll add an extra band to create a total of four. By adjusting the bands and utilizing the sidechain monitor, we’ll allocate specific frequencies to different parts of the drum kit. Purchase Here! Now only $99 .. #DrumTrackEnhancement #Multidynamics7 #AudioProcessingTutorial #SoundTuning #MixingTips #DrumProduction #SoundEngineering #CompressionTechniques #EQAdjustments #HiHatTreatment #AudioEffects #MusicProduction #StudioRecording #SoundDesign
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