FOOTBALL / HORSE RACING: Jockeys at football (1928)

EMPIRE NEWS NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit J. Melrose JP kicks off on his 100th birthday at match between Jockeys of the? Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Jockeys at Football ENGLAND: EXT Jockeys lined up for group photograph Jockeys posing with football at start of match (man celebrating 100th Birthday) kicking off match Spectators watching from stands Football match between jockeys in progress Trophy awards to winning team Background: J. Melrose JP kicks off on his 100th birthday at match between Jockeys of the North and Jockeys of the South FILM ID: VLVA38Q1QPQ5D5YGTCO10GTQ21DVK To license this film, visit Archive: Reuters Archive managed by: British Pathé
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