How to Dry Gourds for Crafting

In this video I explain the methods I use to dry the gourds that my family and I grow on our farm. You will be able to see our large field of gourds, gourds hanging from the trees, freshly picked gourds, the first signs of a gourd drying out, what a gourd looks like as it is drying out, and what it looks/feels/sounds like when a gourd is ready to craft with. Gourds can be dried both inside some shelter and outside under the sky and exposed to the elements. I show you what a gourd looks like in both cases and the precautions you need to take if drying inside. by Bernadette Fox from Check out my gourd crafting YouTube channel for videos about growing, drying, cleaning, and crafting with gourds: Also, see my website for an in depth article all about gourds: Make sure to subscribe to my other channels about gardening and crafting
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