1124% MS Toxic Rain Ballista Raider

Since Palsteron made a video on a Toxic Rain Ballista build, I thought I’d show off mine that I’ve been tinkering with for over 5 leagues now. The initial goal with this build was to make a lab runner that was fast enough without needing to swap any gear, which has been achieved with clever work-arounds, and new uniques like Ashes. If you have any questions about the build that aren’t listed below, feel free to comment. Q: PoB? A: The current build in the video will be worse . I went ahead of somewhat updated it for , but Raider will no longer be the best. I’m currently working on a version that will swap to Pathfinder. Pathfinder now offers more speed and more damage, but loses survivability since I have to use Quartz, and Silver flask to recoup the speed I lost from losing perma Onslaught from Raider. Q: Why Raider over Pathfinder? A: Speed. Pathfinder didn’t offer enough to benefit the build compared to Raider. This
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