HINDU PUSH UPS - Yogic Calisthenics Done Right

Hindu Push Ups or “Dands” are derived from Yogic Postures and give the entire upper body a thorough workout - Besides the strength benefits, the rhythmic, swaying movements of Hindu push ups also increases joint mobility and flexibility. These push ups are usually performed in tandem with Hindu Squats (Baithaks), thereby giving the body a complete workout. When done correctly and with proper concentration, the breath also falls into a natural, deep rhythm, which also increases lung capacity. **MUSCLE GROUPS TARGETED** - Back of Neck - Traps - Shoulders - Triceps - Forearms - Chest - Lats ...- Abs - Shoulder, Elbow, Lower Back Joint Mobility & Strength **LOW INTENSITY WORKOUT** 50 Reps in under 10 Minutes **MODERATE INTENSITY WORKOUT** 100 reps in under 10 Minutes **HIGH INTENSITY WORKOUT** 200 reps in under 15 Minutes **PRECAUTIONS** This exercise can cause problems in the lower back, as it calls for
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