Tina Guo Live - Meditation Black ♾ Sacral Chakra ♾ I FEEL

The second stream of consciousness sound poem from my new collection of original Chakra Meditations: Meditation Dark, consisting of 7 pieces of 12:19 each in length. In the key of D, following the Root Chakra I AM in C that I shared a snippet of 2 weeks ago, the Sacral Chakra I FEEL is the second of the seven chakras. Located just below the navel, right in the center of the lower belly and back in the lumbar spine, associated with the color orange and the the element of water.   The sacral chakra is the center of emotions, feelings and stimulates pleasure. ◦ Emotions ◦ Feelings ◦ Relationships ◦ Sensual ◦ Pleasure ◦ Creativity ◦ Fantasies ◦ Well-being ◦ Empathy ◦ Nurturing ◦ Change ◦ Warmth ◦ Intimacy
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