GRIMACE SHAKE Vs. BLUE?! Rainbow Friends 2 Animation

GRIMACE SHAKE VS RAINBOW FRIENDS 2 🌈 ~ Want to see more stories like these CLICK HERE! ~ 👉 What a strange day, everyone is lying on the ground with a curious purple color and what is even weirder: Red is amazed by it and seems willing to help his teammates, wait a moment it seems that green can tell us what is what happened 00:00 - GRIMACE SHAKE Vs. BLUE?! 02:52 - CYAN BECOMES A MONSTER?! 06:52 - CYAN Has A EVIL TWIN SISTER?! 09:42 - CYAN is not a MONSTER! 14:45 - CHEF PIGSTER Has a TWIN BROTHERS!? 🎨Original Animation Hornstromp - @HornstrompFNF3D 👨‍🎨 Don’t forget to SMASH the... LIKE button and suscribe ❤️👍 RAINBOW FRIENDS CHAPTER 2 The chapter begins with the Player(s) entering ODD World and encountering a mysterious man. They are tasked with collecting lightbulbs to cr
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