Ukraine/Russia/NATO update with Ray McGovern

Former CIA analyst Ray McGovern will address recent developments in Ukraine; the sabotage bombing of the Nord Stream pipelines; and how the Germans, in particular, are likely to react. He will also provide a proper burial to the notion that Russia’s attack in Feb. was “unprovoked”. McGovern conducted the early morning briefings of the President’s Daily Brief to President Reagan’s most senior national security advisers (1981-85). Earlier, he led the Soviet Foreign Policy Branch, and chaired National Intelligence Estimates and other inter-agency efforts. After he retired, Ray co-created Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) as a corrective to the fraud that had overtaken intelligence analysis – most blatantly before the invasion of Iraq. VIPS Memoranda turned out to be correct (but unheeded) before Iraq and Afghanistan – correct again in exposing the Russia-gate canard. VIPS has delivered four formal Memoranda to President Biden – a couple of which seem to have had some impact,
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