Yesterday - The Beatles (Guitar Tutorial)

Learn how to play the melody of the song Yesterday by The Beatles. With on screen tabs and 2 different tempos. Choose your tempo: - OIRIGINAL TEMPO: 00:01 - SLOW TEMPO: 02:10 SPANISH CHANNEL: - SUPPORT ME: - Patreon: - PayPal: LINKS: - Free TABS: - My COVERS and original music: - My Guitar Covers on SPOTIFY: - On APPLE MUSIC: - My TABS for Fingerstyle Guitar: - My Guitar Books and Methods: FOLLOW ME: - SoundCloud: - Instagram: - Facebook: - Twitter: PLEASE!!! SUBSCRIBE IF YOU LIKE MY CHANNEL. EasyGuitarTube is a channel for guitar lovers. Here you’ll find guitar tutorials, acoustic covers, free guitar TABS, guitar lessons, fingerstyle guitar covers and much more. TAGS: Guitar Tabs, fingerstyle tutorial, tab, fingerstyle guitar lesson, fingerpicking, fingerstyle guitar tutorial, guitar tutorial, fingerstyle guitar, fingerstyle guitar cover, guitar cover, guitar fingerstyle tutorial, fingerstyle cover, fingerstyle guitar songs, acoustic cover, instrumental, beautiful guitar, acoustic music, guitar solo, best guitar, cover acoustic, acoustic solo, guitar, guitar music, acoustic guitar cover, _______________________________________ Fingerstyle Guitar & Guitar Lessons Guitarra Fingerstyle & Tutoriales de Guitarra Fingerstyle Уроки Гитары и Гитары Fingerstyle-Gitarren- und Gitarren-Tutorials Fingertyle Guitare & Tutoriels Guitare 指弹吉他和吉他课程 フィンガースタイルギター&ギターレッスン جيتار الأصابع ودروس الغيتار फिंगरस्टाइल गिटार और गिटार सबक Fingerstyle Chitarra e Lezioni di Chitarra Guitarra Fingerstyle e Tutoriais de Guitarra #Guitar #GuitarTutorial #TheBeatles
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