Иностранка смотрит Таллинфильм - Большой Тылль | A cartoon about heroism | Советский мультфильм

Большой Тылль - очень интересный мультфильм о героизме, доброте и любви. Это одна из самых известных анимаций студии мультфильмов Таллинна, но она не стала по-настоящему популярной. Приятного просмотра! Suur Tõll (Tyll the Giant) is a Soviet-era Estonian animated movie created by Tallinnfilm in 1980. The film was directed by Rein Raamat, and the main artist was Jüri Arrak. When it was first made, it was highly praised by other Soviet animation directors, while censors critiqued the movie for containing Estonian national elements and a lot of violence. It only had a short run within the country but continued to be sent to international film festivals afterwards. 💸 TO SUPPORT MY CHANNEL 💸 SBERBANK CARD 5336 6901 9361 9535 YANDEX MONEY: 410019594342861 If you’re reading this, you can also see me on my other social media: INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK: To wat
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