Yes, I allow chaos in my English classroom

Chaos in the classroom, you say!? 🔴 Alice, get your kids in order! 🔴 📢Honestly, it will be a no from me. Let’ me explain the teaching philosophy of positive chaos for a second. Chaos can be very positive and when allowed with a purpose, it has countless benefits. In the video, we finished story sequencing with papers on the floor and instead of immediately picking it up, I encouraged my students to jump and throw papers. After this moment, the kids were: ✨ Fully energized and relaxed and ready to learn more. ✨ They breathed harder and moved so they had a surge of oxygen in their system - we mustn’t forget how small things impact our body and brains. ✨ Engaged, happy and motivated! ✨ Liberated and started making jokes with me, and they never did it before this moment. ✨ They saw me as a positive authority figure - there is a thin line between positive and negative authority and it’s so hard to balance on it. ✨ They felt more connected as a group. ✨ Improved focus - their eyes were all on me for the next activity and they were really excited to see what’s next. ✨ They started picking up the book papers as soon as they calmed down all by themselves - they didn’t wait for me to tell them to pick the papers up. Can you imagine that?! 🟢 Letting students and your children at home be completely free for a few minutes can have astonishing effects on their learning and behavior in the group. 🟢 Try it at home/in your classroom and let me know your thoughts down below! \#englishforkids #englishforchildren #speakingpractice #onlineenglish #onlineenglishforkids #halloween #halloweenforkids
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