Ranting and RAVING Frugal Environmental tips for the Heatwave

My feet were so sore and I kept unconsciously rubbing them and looked ... not like I was aiming to! I was not self-stimulating or itching during this shoot! I assure you. My feet were so killing me. It’s 2 am here, shooting this. Hopefully, these tips and tricks for staying warm and cool in severe temperatures will help somebody. I have to keep the place cool for my rabbits because they cannot handle the heat as well as humans can, but I don’t like to use energy or Freon if I can help it. Here is what I do. #heat #hvac #environment #environmentalawareness #ecology #ecologie #SevereMidlatitude #climate #climateaction #heatwave #woodburning #woodstove #barrelstove #woodheat #freon #coolingtips #greencooling #green
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