The Grail V2 - Duo/Trio Base - [9 Bunkers, Widegaps, China-Wall, Low Cost]

The Grail V2 - The BEST Duo/Trio Rust Base. This base is an expansion of the BEST Solo/Duo base, the Grail (original), and this video is the full base build tutorial/guide for the best duo/trio Rust base/ For my favorite SENS method of pixelgapping (creating invisible sneaky gaps) *** WHAT DOES THE GRAIL V2 DUO/TRIO BASE GIVE ME? *** 1) NEVER GET WIPED BY OFFLINERS. You have 9 bunkers. Spread your loot wisely and watch raiders get whatever bait you leave out for them. The raidcost of 70 rockets is for a full raid of all lootrooms, but that’s REALLY lowballing it. Tthe main core is ~60 by itself, and there’s 6 more bunkers outside of that, and also not counting bedroom and gatehouse storage loot. If you spread your loot well when going offline, and know how to bait people into thinking they raided successfully (put some tier 3 stuff you don’t care about so much and 1 C4 in your core...), you’re never get
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