The 120 year British French Plot to Enslave Mexico and How Franklin Roosevelt Ended It

This week, Mexico celebrated ‘Revolution Day’ which celebrates the overthrow of the fascist puppet Porfirio Díaz in 1910. Sadly many of the legacies of the Anglo-French imperial intrigues of the 19th century that led up to Porfirio’s achieving power still haunt Mexico as it is pulled between two very different visions for the future: One vision looks alot like the corruption, depopulation and death characteristic of fall feudal systems… while the other is a vision more befitting human civilization. This Sunday Nov. 26 at 2pm Eastern Time, Martin Sieff will deliver a lecture on this important history and Franklin Roosevelt’s role in defending Mexico from the international financier oligarchy operating both within the USA and across the ocean. Previous RTF lectures by Martin Sieff can be viewed here: @RisingTideFoundation/search?query=martin sieff Matt and Cynthia’s books: Support the
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