Hanatarashi (ハナタラシ), meaning The Snot Nose(d) in Japanese, were a noise music band created by later Boredoms frontman Yamatsuka Eye and featured Zeni Geva guitarist Mitsuru Tabata in 1984 after meeting as stage hands at an Einstürzende Neubauten show. After the release of the first album, the I was dropped and the name became Hanatarash. They used a variety of unusual noise-making objects, including power tools, drills, heavy machinery, and the like. They were notorious for their dangerous live shows. Some of the band’s most scandalous live shows included Eye cutting a dead cat in half with a machete, Eye destroying part of a venue with a backhoe, and prior to a show the band got the attendees to fill out forms dismissing the band of responsibility for any possible injuries caused by the performance. The show stopped just as Eye was about to throw a lit molotov cocktail onto the stage, which was drenched in gasoline from a nearby barrel. It was said that the performance cost the venue ¥600,000 ($6000) in repairs. But it turns out the venue was going to be demolished anyway, so the management allowed Hanatarash to destroy it as a “performance“. No repair costs had to be paid.
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