Exploring out of bounds area in Deep Rock Galactic

Deep Rock Galactic’s very own backrooms. Context: Me and my friend were messing around with mods in a private lobby. He flew out of the map using “Special Powder“ overclock and told me that there was something outside the map and that couldn’t get to it because he didn’t have enough ammo. We aborted this mission, I picked Scout, selected a new salvage operation mission, and then we started investigating this together. The reason I picked “Karl’s end“ track for this video is because that exact same track played while we were exploring this place, making it even more weirder than it already was. Now. The weird part is: why are these areas loaded in when you’re on a mission? I can understand mission end screen loaded in, but the others like Forge and Wardrobe? These areas don’t impact the performance anyway, because they have no lighting. Should’ve uploaded this video to my second channel that is more or less dedicated to drg stuff. Oh well.
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