This Week in Volcano News; Mayon Lahar Warning, Kirishima Volcanic Unrest

There is a danger that lahars could occur at the erupting Mayon volcano this Sunday July 23rd and Monday July 24th due to an approaching tropical depression. Mayon in the past week has also been producing a heightened level of ash emissions and sulfur dioxide. Elsewhere, in Peru, the Ubinas volcano produced a powerful explosion, sending a plume of ash to a height of 28,000 feet. And, in Japan, ground deformation was detected at a vent of the Kirishima volcano which has not erupted since 1768. Thumbnail Photo Credit: Sindri B., used with Permission Disclaimer: There is currently no way to know the size of the lahars (if they do end up occurring) which might hit Mayon, as they could be small or large. However, the 2006 lahars were exceptionally large, and for now a similar scale repeat of that event in my opinion seems unlikely. Of course, smaller lahars can still be dangerous. If you would like to support this channel, consider using one of the following links: (Patreon: http://patreon.
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