The Ancient Japanese Art of Knot Tying | Incredible Techniques of a Master Craftsman: Shinozaki Jun.

The Ancient Japanese Art of Knot Tying | Incredible Techniques of a Master Craftsman: Shinozaki Jun (篠崎順). How To Tie a Incredible Japanese Knot, Guide by a Master Craftsman. In addition to the connection method that has been passed down for a long time, there are also many connection methods that Mr. Shinozaki has come up with himself. 6 Basic Way of Tying: 1. Tsuyu Musubi (つゆ結び) 2. Kiku-Tori Musubi (きく鳥結び) 3. Asa-Tome Musubi (朝止め結び) 4. Kano Musubi (叶結び) 5. O-Shime Musubi (お締め結び) 6. Shaka Musubi (釈迦結び)
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