How a Van de Graaff Generator Works

Detailed explanation down to the electrons and protons on how a Van de Graaff generator works. Includes the triboelectric effect between the rollers and belt, corona discharge and photoelectric effect between the belt and brushes/combs, and Faraday ice pail effect at the top dome/bowl. Shows how arcing/sparks happen and how strong electric fields contribute to creating ions and plasma for making air gaps electrically conductive. This video has correct English captions. Click on the CC button at the bottom of the video to see them. See also, Triboelectric effect/series or triboelectricity: How to Make/Build a Van de Graaff Generator Part 1 (Homemade/DIY): Magnetic field using horseshoe magnet, keeper and iron filings: I purchased the big and small Van de Graaff generators from Information Unlimited many years ago: The big one is made and also sold by Scie
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