Beginner Friendly Gouache Tutorial | Sunset Palm Trees

My Skillshare Class - Beginners Guide to Gouache: Real-Time Gouache Tutorials (Patreon): You can try out my Skillshare class with a free trial by clicking the link above. I would love to hear any feedback on the class so please feel free to share your thoughts with me if you do get a chance to take the class. ✦ MATERIALS USED ✦ ‣ Art Spectrum Gouache: yellow, white, black: (AU) ‣ Winsor and newton gouache: primary blue, primary red: (US) ‣ Art Spectrum 100% cotton 300gsm watercolour paper: (AU) ‣ Princeton Aqua Elite 1/2“ angular shader (100% synthetic): (US) ‣ Princeton Neptune round brush size 6 (100% synthetic): (US) ‣ Size 5/0 liner brush
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