OVER 3 MILLION VIEWS!!! Pregnant zebra mares battles hyena clan.(graphic content)

Zebra mare loses her life and that of her unborn foal by a predatory Hyena clan. Masai Mara, Kenya. One of the most unforgettable events my wife and I witnessed was this predation by a pack of Hyenas on this poor and unfortunate Zebra mare who was heavily pregnant and simply couldn’t keep up with the herd, it was the first time myself and my guide of 15 years had ever observed. Subsequently the unborn foal was savagely ripped out and carried off by one Hyena, it was heart breaking to watch, simply too much for one person in another vehicle next to us and asked to leave after this happened. All the time this mare never uttered a sound as the savagery of the pack set in, no doubt in severe shock. in tooth and claw. We have witnessed the circle of life as last year we enjoyed a Zebra birth and now this poor mare’s demise.
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