240321- Osteoporosis, try it.

Specific exercise improve symptoms, daily full-body exercises remove root causes. 240321- 1. Osteoporosis, try it. 2. Trouble urinating, try it. 3. Lack of energy after 60 years old, easy to fatigue, try it. 36 times one set, 4-6 sets between 5-7 p.m Standing on tiptoes and then dropping to vibrate the heels, it has many benefits: 1. Promote blood from the feet to flow back to the heart and reduce heart pressure. 2. Stimulate the liver meridians, spleen meridians, and kidney meridians. 3. Vibrates the bones throughout the body, stimulates bone marrow production and increases bone density. 4. Equivalent to foot massage, improving systemic circulation. 5. Enhance ankle joint strength and stability. Benefits of punching the lower back: 1. Massage the kidneys to improve kidney circulation. 2. Relieve lower back pain. 3. Improve enuresis, frequent urination, nocturia and other problems. Please keep practicing and you will i
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