I WAS NOT PREPARED!! | 10 Minute, 1 Minute, 10 Second Speed Drawing Challenge (With Markers!)

Ten minutes feels a lot longer than I expected, one minute is a LOT SHORTER than I realized, and then ten watch what happens, haha. A Challenge that’s a Challenge. haha ► TOOLS USED: Ohuhu Markers: Pigma Micron PN: Bic Mechanical Pencil Kneaded Eraser Illo Sketchbook 8x8: Sorry my arms look so weird, my skin literally just started falling off this week. Its doing better now. But ew. Sorry for sharing that with the world. hahahaha ♦ ♦ PO BOX ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS ♦ ♦ Facebook: DeviantArt: Tumblr: Email: drawingwiffwaffles@ Twitter: Instagram: ♥ some links are affiliate, thanks for supporting me at no extra cost to you! ♥
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