Parachute Lift (1962)

Lasham, Hampshire. M/S of a paratrooper having a harness fitted by two soldiers - “designed on the kite principle this special parachute will lift a man to about 200 feet“. The two soldiers walk away from the paratrooper. C/U of a man getting into an army Land Rover, he looks out of the window. M/S of the paratrooper lifting his arm, signalling ’ready’ to the driver. The driver gives him the ’thumbs up’ and starts the vehicle. M/S of the paratrooper, the ropes of the parachute tighten as the Land Rover drives away - “launched like a glider, by a towrope from a car or a winch, the passenger rises gently under complete control“. The two soldiers hold up the parachute silk so it catches the wind. M/S of a soldier letting go of the silk as the parachute takes off. M/S of the airborne parachute, tilt down to the paragliding paratrooper. C/U of an army officer looking upwards. L/S of the airborne paratrooper. C/U of a soldier in a red beret watching. Panning shot follows the paratrooper as he swoops
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