Sci Fi Sleep Music [Cyber Dream] Epic Sleep Journey
sci fi sleep music [cyber dream] epic sleep journey
This music was made as sci fi sleep music and can be used as an epic sleep journey with contemporary elements drenched in a atmospheric soundscape with rain ambience for extra relaxation noise. The music can of course be used for other purposes aswell, like background music for deep relaxation, music for deep meditation, music for stress relief, background music for coding, music for art, music for reading, music for focus, music for study, music for work, music for everything :). It’s up to you to decide how you use it. sleep :slightly_smiling_face:
I was born during a time when nuclear plants exploded, when walls fell, when the economy crashed and when the tech boom happened. I was to young to remember, but what I do remember, is when I saw Blade Runner for the first time! It was in my dad’s gloomy apartment in Fruängen/Sweden. The music of enigma was playing softly in the background. Light rays was shin