Lindbergh (1927)

There is another version of this item on - the other version is probably better quailty. No titles. America. L/S as Charles Lindbergh’s aeroplane is towed along backwards by a truck. M/S’s as fuel is poured in the top through a funnel while people stand around. M/S as Charles Lindbergh is helped into his flying suit and gets into his aeroplane. The door is shut and he taxis and takes off. Intertitle - ’As comrades bid ’bon voyage’ America’s air hero shoots down the field and is off on his great adventure.’ M/S of the aeroplane from a different angle as it taxis and people run to keep up. M/S of Charles stood with some other men before the flight. Intertitle - ’The 25 year old aerial daredevil and his mother.’ Good M/S of Charles with his mother, she chats to him. M/S as he is helped into his flying suit as he stands beside the aeroplane. Intertitle - ’Tuned up to perfection, the giant plane goes on the field and Lindbergh, sole pilot on the 4000 mile flight, takes his p
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