What is HD Zero 🤫 Who is it For..?

HD ZERO has some pretty cool stuff going on. Thanks @Jkovarovics Questions Check here V New HD Dead Cat Frame - NEW V4 Motor - New Radio - NEW MR STEELE DISCORD SERVER Ready To Fly Mr Steele Drone - ETHiX is my Company & we aim to refine FPV. Please check us out - _ ETHIX APPAREL _ - Triple E Hat - - Black Ethix - - T Shirt - - Hoody - - Beanie - - Stickers - - (Vinyl) MY personal Amazon Shop. Please Follow me on other platforms TIkTokP: @mrsteelefpv Instagram: Facebook: * My PODCAST (CHECK IT OUT) _MUSIC _ _ ANALOG DRONE_ - Drone Frame - - 6S motors - - Flight controller - - ESC - - Props - - FPV Cam (camera tilt 25°) - - Video transmitting antenna - - Video Transmitter (800mW) - - Lightweight 6S Battery - - Ethix Battery Straps - & - Lightweight HD cam - - New HD Cam - - Action 2 Lens protector MUST HAVE! - - GoPro Lens protector MUST HAVE! - - Ethic GoPro Strap - - NEW* ALL UP WEIGHT - 613g - _ ETHIX Packing Gear _ - NEW Back Pack - - Radio Bag - - Heated Battery Bag - - Tool Kit - - PROP Bag - _ Radio Gear _ - Ethix V2 Neck Strap - - Radio - Ethix Mambo - New Radio - - Radio Transmitter (long range) - - Radio Receiver - _ Goggles _ Ethix Goggle Strap - - NEW FPV Goggles - - Goggle Pouch - - FPV Goggle Receiver - (Antennas) - **NEW FPV Receiving antenna (omni) - - **FPV Receiving antenna (directional) - - Ear Bud (for Quad Audio) - _ Battery Charging Setup _ - Charger- - Power Supply - - Parallel Charging Board - - Battery Checker - _ Home Camera SETUP_ - Sony A7siii - - Macro - - Wide angle - - fluffy critter - _ Tools/parts _ - ETHIX Prop Tool - - Tool Kit - - ETHIX builders cable set - - Field Soldering Iron (literally, best thing I have ever purchased) - *Soldering Iron Cable (need) - - Quality solder - - Quality Electrical Tape - - Quality Heat Shrink - #FPVFreestyle #Ethix #MrSteeleV4
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