Authentic East Prussian folk song | Klaipėdos krašto lietuvininkų daina - Jau aušt aušružė

Traditional folk song from Memelland (Memelgebiet) in Kleinlitauen / Preußisch-Litauen region of the former East Prussia. The video was filmed in 1995 Nida (Nidden) town in the Curonian spit (Kurische Nehrung), the song is sung by the town’s local folk group. All women in the video are wearing casual versions of the region’s traditional folk clothing. Tradicinė Liudviko Rėzos užrašyta prūsininkų liaudies daina iš Klaipėdos krašto, buvusiuose Rytprūsiuose (Mažojoje Lietuvoje). Translation of the lyrics: The dawn is already breaking, my mother is waking me up: - Get up, my sweet young girl! Before I had even got up, I asked my mother: - Where have you put my wreath? - Oh, I have given your dear wreath To a young lad in the yard. - Hey, lad, my dear lad, Where have you put my wreath? - I have thrown your wreath into A fast-flowing river. As the wreath floated away the swans were chirping,
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