Studio in a new project on Pratamnak hill, Pattaya🔑Лучшее предложение для покупки студии в Таиланде

🌴Special offer from the Finnish developer Siam Oriental.🔑 ⠀ ⠀ We present to your attention a studio apartment in a new project (Siam Oriental Star).🏗 ⠀ The apartment is located on the 3 floor, with an area of 22 sq. m. ⠀ 👉Price of 1 220 000 Thai baht. 👉Payment plan 1 year ⠀ ✍️For more information and terms of purchase, please contact: 📱 66 99 180 7658, 66 96 806 2358 (What’s App, Viber, Line) 📧 siamorientalweb@, siamorientalstar@ 🌎 Instagram: Vkontakte: Facebook: ⠀ 🌴
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