Песни Голок, Ньима Восер, мастер дициплины из Тонгкьяб монастыря в Габле, голок. Тибет.Song of longing for His Holiness

This song is dedicated to Golok hero, Nyima Woeser, Master of Discipline from Tongkyab monastery in Gabde, Golok. He was arrested on the 11th August 2007 as the leader of more than 2000 people from Gabde who demonstrated to preserve their religion. He was tortured during two months and then sentenced to long term prison. The singer, Golok Dzamkyab, was also arrested for this song in 2009. He was released the same year after paying huge fine. Nyima Woeser was released from prison on the 15th November 2
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