Пісня про Св Йосафата 🔥 Saint Josaphat (Ukr)

Пісня про Св Йосафата. Церковна пісня. До св. Йосафата. Українська релігійна пісня. Виконання: вокальний квінтет “Алилуя“. Слова: о. Й. Кишакевич. Song about Saint Josaphat (Kuntsevych). Ukrainian religious song by quintet “Alyluia“ (Halleluia) from Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine. Saint Josaphat, very much venerated Ukrainian Greek-Catholic saint (from Volyn region in the very north west corner of Ukraine) who suffered (was martyred with an axe by the sick and hateful “Orthodox“ superstitious nationalists in Belarus) for the unity of the Great, One, Undivided and Holy Christian Church. His martyred body miraculously remains incorrupt and fragrant through many centuries. This is a good example how unhealthy “Orthodox“ nationalism can be, leading eventually to the devlish act of murder of a human (when God commands: “You shall not murder!“ - 6th commandment). Hatred and murder have nothing to do with Christianity but come from the devil himself. I dont de
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