USA: President Harding in Golf tournament for newspaper men (1921)

GAUMONT GRAPHIC NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit President Hardens in golf tournament for newspaper men Full Description: USA: EXT SV President Warren G Harding (US President) standing talking to reporters MV President Harding rubs his hands together. SV President Harding takes shot at ball - line of spectators watching in background. TITLE: Gallery follows the President. Back View Spectators walking down slope away from camera following the President : men wearing boaters, woman hats and summery dresses TITLE: Around in 76 SV President takes shot onto green President putts and sinks ball in hole TITLE: Presents Cup to Robt. Bender, the winner. SV President presents cup to Robert Bender - crowd applaud TITLE: And gets a prize himself. Sv Bender presents President with walking stick Harding presenting presentation box to another Background: President Hardens
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