Afghanistan at a crossroads: Relations with Pakistan

For more: The Taliban have offered “amnesty“ to former Afghan President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani and other senior officials, saying they can return to the country if they want. The group also said it could announce a framework for a new government in a few weeks. The Taliban has control over most of Afghanistan, though there are still pockets of resistance in the country’s north. The Taliban said it’s trying to hold talks with the resistance. A Taliban spokesman did rule out an extension of the August 31 deadline for the withdrawal of international troops from Afghanistan, calling it a “red line.“ Evacuations pick up steam in Kabul, with many desperate to flee the country. One was killed at the Kabul airport on Monday, when German and U.S. forces took part in a gun battle after Afghan guards and unknown assailants exchanged fire. Meanwhile, Kabul’s main commercial street held a bazaar on Sunday. Many people attended, but some businesses are wo
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