Blessing of the food (1919)

GAUMONT GRAPHIC NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Blessing the flour given to the poor at Tichbourne Park, and people in queues waiting for their food Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: The Tichbourne Dole ENGLAND: Hampshire: EXT GV people gathered round priest, priest blessing flour, altar boy at his side swinging (incense?) SV man filling sack held by woman with flour, pan to show women waiting in queue. MV old woman in queue. women wheeling empty prams, small carts etc. across park. SV women standing in queue for flour. GV crowd gathered round priest reading prayer from book, altar boy swinging incense. MV men empty sack of flour into bin. SV women standing in queue. SV woman standing in queue. SV man filling sack of woman priest, ceremony, welfare, food queue, tradition Background: Blessing the flour given to the poor at Tichbourne Park, and people in queues waiting for their food FILM
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