A Case Study of Raiden - The Legendary Sumo Wrestler of Ancient Japan

Raiden Tameemon is one of the most famous sumo wrestlers in Japan. He has been referenced in pop culture like in manga (Japanese comics), video games, and even in a Pokemon episode! Who is Raiden? And why did history’s most successful sumo wrestler never made it to Yokozuna? Thank very much to D. Archer and Ryo Harada Sumo Data used in the video: Follow Gwazy - the amazing artist who made the Hakuho painting featured in this video! - Please consider supporting the channel: Hi! I’m Ter. I write, edit, and produce these videos myself to be able to share my love of sumo wrestling with the rest of the world. I opened a fundraiser to add to my travel budget for when I go to Japan to watch sumo wrestling live! So if you would like to show appreciation for the content I create, please check out and consider donating. Any amount helps me to make more content and keep on producing these videos. Editors Notes: This might be the hardest video I’ve ever edited for the channel. Stretching 5 pictures of Raiden for a 7 minute video is quite the creative challenge! I possibly have spent 3 weeks just doing this video as there were plenty of times when I just sat down for 5 hours to make a 10-second visual progress on the video. So with this, I feel like it’s a good closer to the ozeki series. I wanted to do more and cover more ozeki, but I feel the need to step away from making wrestler’s biographies for now. I want to discover different aspects of the sport this time. #raiden #ozeki #sumostew
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