Flat Earth Firmament Scripture Study - 02 #8

The Genesis 1 account of the creation of Earth clearly states God-Eloyhim said: Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. In Part 1, we examined Genesis 1:6 using the Law of First Mention, and study what the meaning of the word firmament might be, quoting from sources such as James Strong, Gesenius and Josephus. In Part 2, we searched the KJV, the NIV and the NASB bible translations for the word firmament, H7549, in Strong’s Concordance, the Hebrew word - raw-kee-ya. We also examine Wernher von Braun’s gravestone, in which I believe this “rocket scientist“ left us an important clue for our consideration in the current stationary FE with a Firmament v. Spinning Sphere heliocentric model. I believe the vast majority of people today have had their perceptions of the world around them carefully managed - Perception Management - Groupthink - and cannot separate the fiction they view on Talmudvision, for example, the CGI they see provided by NASA,
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