San Marino Imola 1994 Ayrton Senna vs Damon Hill onboard video

The purpose of this video is to show how similarly both Williams F1 cars react to bumps in Tamburello corner on lap 7 of 1994 San Marino Gran Prix. Senna takes the corner at a higher speed than Damon Hill, and Senna’s car is set up lower. Damon Hill: “What was not well-known was that the car had power steering. I had tested this system extensively with Williams Grand Prix Engineering, but drove the whole race with it turned off as a safety precaution recommended by the engineers after Ayrton’s accident, as they were unable to be sure at that time what the cause was“ “In fact, the column could easily withstand the considerably increased loading for the whole race distance. It is inconceivable to me that Ayrton’s column could have broken with the power steering working normally, which I believe it was from the data subsequently retrieved from his car“ “By his (Senna’s) own concerns, expressed in the driver’s briefing, he knew what the implications
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