
Spellewauerynsherde Akira Rabelais 1) 1382 Wyclif Gen. ii. 7 And spiride in to the face of hym an entre of breth of lijf. 2) 1390 Gower Conf. II. 20 I can noght thanne unethes spelle that I wende altherbest have rad. 3) 1440 Promp. Parv. 518/2 Wawyn, or waueryn, yn a myry totyr, oscillo. 4) 1483 Caxton Golden Leg. 208 b/2 He put not away the wodenes of his flessh with a sherde or shelle. 5) 1559 W. Cuningham Cosmogr. Glasse 125 Within which draw an other Circle, a finger bredth distant. 6) (Gorgeous curves lovely fragments labyrinthed on occasions entwined charms, a few stories at any longer sworn to gathered from a guileless angel and the hilt edges of old hearts, if they do in the guilt of deep despondency.) 7) 1671 Milton Samson 1122 Add thy Spear, a Weavers beam, and seven-times-folded shield. Spellwav
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