Teleman - Sweet Morning

Sweet Morning is the title track from Teleman’s forthcoming EP, produced by Joe Goddard and Al Doyle (Hot Chip) and released on 5th November: ‘Sweet Morning’ - spans from a melody summoned in a half awake state; “Summer 2020 I was lying on a beach in Italy half asleep when I rolled over and sung the melody for this song into my voice recorder. Then I rolled back over and forgot about it. Back in London I went through my voice notes and found this kind of mumbling with the sound of waves in the background..” The track combines glistening, pulsing electronics with an irresistible pop hook. “Somehow it’s got an uplifting vibe while also being kind of melancholy,” says Sanders. “Something I can’t seem to stop doing. The lyrics deal with common human desires - the need to be loved, to have fun, to be free. I love writing lyrics that everyone on earth can relate to, regardless of age, gender or race.”
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