GERMANY: President Hindenburg at Remembrance Day ceremony (1930)
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German President Rudolf Hindenberg leading Rembrance ceremony Berlin to remember the Germans who died in the First World War on 11th November, Armistice Day.
Full Description:
GERMANY: Berlin:
Soldiers carrying flags marching along in front of Reichstagand standing to attention in front of steps as snow seen in background
Deputies sitting in chamber
Soldiers marching from Parliament building
Rudolf Hindenburg (German President and war hero) (wearing top hat) along from building with military guard and followed by others
Hindenburg along past ranks of soldiers then away in car
Military and deputies gathered at snowy war memorial
Hindenburg arriving at Berliner Dom cathedral and from car greeting pastors then up steps
More of military and deputies descending steps and Hindenburg leaving Dom
(Repeat of earlier piece of film
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3 weeks ago 01:45:21 1
Бойцовский кард: рубка Гуди, победы Мушвига и Хантера / Бой президентов 2Drots и Броуков | МФБ#109