Use 5000 bottles of rice wine in one day! Sesame Oil Mutton Soup Making/一天用掉5000瓶米酒! 老字號藥膳羊肉爐, 純到發爐

Use 5000 bottles of rice wine in one day! Sesame Oil Mutton Soup Making/一天用掉5000瓶米酒! 老字號藥膳羊肉爐, 純到發爐 👉 Hi, there! I’m Cate 😊 If you enjoy this video, please leave a like and subscribe to see more videos. Please feel free to leave any comments or questions below. Thank you! **Location information** #sesame_oil_mutton_soup #mutton_soup #mutton_hot_pot #street_food #羊肉爐 #美食 #台灣美食 #台灣街頭美食
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