Chopping with Joo Se Hyuk’s Set Up - TSP CURL P1-R () & Tenergy 05 on JSH Blade

This is the first time I got a chance to put my hands on this well-known equipment, made famous by the legendary chopper Joo Se Hyuk. For all this time, I’ve been hearing that this is a hard combo to deal with. They keep telling you that this could be the most pro equipment one can get (as far as chopping goes ), but at the same time, it is equally hard for yourself as the chopper due to the lack of control stemming from the hard bat. My first experience with this combo however was not in line with this common-thought. I’ve been using a blades which are a total opposite of the JSH. ( my blades are super slow, light, & soft ), Barricade & DefPlay Senso V3 to be exact., So, despite coming from a different world, I am happy to say that I had no struggles or adaptation time with such a fast, heavy and hard blade. The JSH Blade is a 110-gram-blade ( that is twice as heavy as Barricade, which is only 55gr ) What’s funny is that the chopping with the JSH was a l
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