Elementary My Dear Watfin | Hearth Tech#283

00:00 Intro They are different, my dear Watfin 00:13 Test1 Abyssal Curse will only deal 1 damage when you have Solid Alibi 01:18 Test2 What happens if you steal opponent’s .? 02:01 Test3 Vast Wisdom interacts correctly with Hot Streak after patch 02:59 Test4 Young Murk-Eye doesn’t work on the minion whose Battlecry has been triggered by Snicker-snack this turn 03:28 Test5 When Murloc Holmes guesses Golden Sewer Rat right, Watfin gives nothing 03:55 Test6 When Murloc Holmes guesses Golden Selfless Hero right, Watfin gives Voidlord instead 04:23 Outro BGM: PROJECT:Yi Twitter: #Hearthstone
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