Виктория Колчина, Тимофей Касперович, Viktoryia Kolchyna, Timofei Kasperovich; Anatoly Galushko paints, lying in bed and holding a brush with his teeth. More, than 30 years, Anatoly Galushko has been paralyzed. Анатолий Голушко- художник-инвалид, более 30 лет прикованный к постели. What is the meaning of life from the perspective of a believer? Countries wage wars, capture markets and oil fields. People live as if they have two thousand years to come. But it can finish in a second. A man does not need so much. He doesn’t need so much money, or so many palaces, or super-cars. I can listen for hours just as the leaves rustle in the wind. I can just close my eyes and listen to this rustling, or to bird’s singing. Going through the grass I wonder at its smell. I think the meaning of life is just in living in accordance with the human and God’s law. I painted my first works from memory, depicting the places I once visited: a forest, a meadow, some famous oak tree, a river— Water is my element, I can look at it for hours, and it does not bother me at all. One evening long ago, my brother told me: “Let’s go to the river to take a swim.“ That summer was so rainy and cold; in fact, a bit of summer was only at first, but by the end of August there was no warm day. So we came to the river, undressed and looked around the bank. The water seemed dark, the bottom was not visible, everything looked fine. Outstripping my brother I jumped into the water from the bank at high speed. The level of water turned to be knee-deep. There were a blow and a crunch. I have even kept in mind that crunch. I probably lost consciousness for a few seconds, then opened my eyes, saw the sandy bottom just before my face, and felt that I was drawn down by the stream. I looked at my hands; they were not injured, but hung like vines. There was a feeling as I had no hands. I tried to move my legs, but the legs did not want to move too. Then I realized that my spine was probably broken. Sometimes I think about quirks of fate: a man lives, makes plans, suffers, worries, but all this can end up just in one second. But anyhow I believe that every person is born for a certain mission, with some specific faculties. Of course, I could live without great concerns, just lying in bed, reading, watching TV. But it would be too boring. I want to feel a useful person somehow. And I came to think that if I survived, it was not without a meaning. I started to try drawing. After first unsuccessful attempts, the first completed pictures began to come out. First I drew with pencils and pens, but then I was given with a box of paints. And painting also came out quite not bad. I could not even suppose that my Tolya would paint! All who visited us were surprised: “Wow, he paints so well!“ I myself was so glad. My next wish was to try a canvas and oil paints. As I remember, the first attempt of painting with oils was completely unsuccessful. So I adjourned next attempts for a month or two. Then I started trying again. In general, I tormented myself very long, but something finally came out. And this feeling that I, so helpless, can do myself something gave me strength, confidence, and desire for further self-perfection. I did not pay attention to any pain, agony or suffering anymore, but aspired to the best result. Every artist has the desire to bring the work to the end and to do it perfectly, to gain people’s liking. We did not suppose that he would obtain this ’seventh sense’, as they say, that he would paint such pictures which really touch hearts. We are happy for him, very happy that he has found himself in this life. A poet, artist, or composer— Some people say, “Oh, I do not care about recognition, I just work for myself.“ I think they are not completely frank. If you know that your works are worthy, beautiful, real, you always want them to be seen, heard and appreciated. This is a must. One day there was a seminar of folk art at our House of Culture. And the director of the House (she had already seen my works) told me: “Well, we’ll take them. We will organize an exhibition in the town of Ivatsevichy.“ I resisted for a long time, because I doubted if my works were worthy for the exhibition. But the event took place. When later they brought me the book reviews from that exhibition, I was surprised how many good words about my works were said. That made me very excited. I also received offers to sell my pictures; there were orders from Russia, Ukraine, the USA and Germany. And now I know that I have a job, I have plans which I must bring to their logical completion; that’s why I feel harmony in my soul. The meaning of life is probably to live it happily, at peace with yourself, at peace with your soul. What another meaning could you think out?
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