How To Help Your Child Complete Their Homework

- Hampton School Mauritius. Does your child have a hard time getting focused to tackle their homework? Here are five tips on how to help your child with their homework: 1. Have your child start his homework within 30 minutes of arriving home from school. 2. Give your child a snack of protein and complex carbohydrates before getting started or to nibble on while he completes his homework. 3. Set a timer for 45 minutes and have your child get to work on the toughest subject first. 4. Make sure all of the supplies your child needs are within arm’s reach of his study space. 5. Limit the distractions. Keep the TV off and the noise level low so your child will not be distracted by what others are doing. Using these 5 tips to help your child with his homework will show that you are interested in him and the work he needs to do to succeed in school. For more video advice for parents and pupils in daycare, pre-primary and primary school visit our site at: Connect with us: YouTube: Facebook: G : Hamptonschoolmu Homework tips
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