9-year-old guitarist plays Flight of the Bumblebee at double tempo | Amazing Chinese

Flight of the Bumblebee is regarded as one of the fastest music piece ever. When Xie Hao, a 9-year-old Chinese boy, plays the music with his guitar, he doubles the original speed and amazes everyone. 《野蜂飞舞》,又名《大黄蜂的飞行》,是俄罗斯作曲家尼古拉·里姆斯基-科萨科夫的名曲之一,一向被认为是全世界速度最快的曲目之一,也是众多演奏者的“炫技专用”。来自中国浙江的9岁小吉他手谢豪甚至还嫌原速度不够快,直接
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