Sofia the First - On My Own

Sofia the First - On My Own “S04E26 - Forever Royal“ -Lyrics [Vor: You see, my dear, I know what makes people tick. Their darkest impulses. Their greatest fears. And I know your greatest fear has just come true.] Vor: You’ve always had a friend or two someone to lend a hand When times are tough you look to them to get out of a jam But now no matter where you turn there’s no one here but you You’re all alone, your greatest fear has finally come true Sofia: Just because I’m by myself does not mean I will fold I don’t need help to battle you I just need to be bold Vor: Spare me your heroic speech We both know you are wrong Sofia: I’m not afraid to stand alone Vor: Oh, my dear, you won’t be standing long You’re on your own, can’t run away You’ve met your match this very day Sofia: I’m on my own but won’t give in I’ll get back up to fight again Vor:
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