China on arrest of Huawei employee in Poland

(14 Jan 2019) The Chinese Foreign Ministry on Monday said the arrest of a Huawei employee in Poland is an individual case and should be treated as such. Polish authorities said last Friday they had arrested Wang Weijing, a Chinese citizen and former diplomat, along with a Polish citizen over charges of spying for China. The Chinese tech company Huawei said on Saturday it had terminated Wang’s employment following his detention in Poland. Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying told a daily briefing in Beijing that China has requested a consular visit to Wang. Hua also said former Canadian diplomat Michael Kovrig, who’s currently detained in China, was not entitled to diplomatic immunity. “He visited China this time with a regular passport and a business visa,“ Hua said, which meant he was not under diplomatic protection. On Friday Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau accused Chinese officials of ignoring Kovrig’s diplomatic immunity. “I suggest the relevant Canadian person carefully study the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations and international law before commenting on the cases,“ Hua said, “or they would only expose themselves to ridicule with such specious remarks.“ The arrest of Kovrig and an entrepreneur Michael Spavor came after a top Chinese executive was arrested in Canada on 1 December at the request of the United States. Washington wants Huawei Chief Financial Officer Meng Wanzhou extradited to face charges that she misled banks about the company’s business dealings in Iran. She is out on bail in Canada and awaiting a bail extradition proceeding next month. Find out more about AP Archive: Twitter: Facebook: ​​ Instagram: You can license this story through AP Archive:
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