Petros | Ko’olau | Kamaka | I’iwi | KoAloha | Kanile’a

0:00 New Original Song on Petros Curly Mahogany & Redwood Koa Tenors 6:32 Talk about constructing the song 29:59 Petros Curly Mahogany tenor 35:38 Petros Tunnel 13 Redwood Koa tenor 41:15 Early American food companies? 51:33 Back to Tunnel 13 Petros! 58:04 Petros in 3 tonewood options Cedar/ Macassar Ebony - Mahogany - Redwood/ Koa 1:02:14 Ko’olau T1 Koa Tenors 1:12:09 Kanile’a ISL-TP & HNS-TP Tenors (Latin Autumn Leaves) 1:25:02 Kanile’a K-1 B NAT Baritone 1:26:19 Kamaka HP-1LD 1:27:23 In honor of the late great Samuel Kamaka Jr. 1:30:31 “I’ll Remember You” 1:34:39 Bluesy Funk Jam -KoAloha Sceptre & I’iwi Tenors 1:39:21 KoAloha Sceptre Spruce/Koa/Maple 1:46:05 I’iwi Masters Koa Tenor 1:51:33 Mahalo!
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